1000 Stone Farm
Brookfield, Vermont
We are a small 4-season certified organic farm focusing on regenerative agricultural practices that work towards farming for the future and creating food that is truly medicine. We currently are producing vegetables, mushrooms, eggs and fruit. We provide our customers, whether it is a local restaurant, coop or a neighbor down the street, with sustainably, healthy grown food. Find our products at our farm store, burlington farmers market, through our csa program, or at restaurants and local co-ops/markets.
General Info
kyle Doda
1102 Stone Road Brookfield, Vermont 05036
Date Modified
November 7, 2024

- Sell Wholesale?
- Sell CSA?
- Sell at Farmers Market?
- On-Farm Store?
Retail Details
Farm Store Details
Open: Year Round, Everyday 8am-8pm
Farmers Market Details
Burlington Farmers Market Saturdays May- October, 9am-2pm
Retail/Wholesale Details
City Market Burlington,VT Healthly Living Burlington and Williston, VT Hunger Mtn Coop - Montpelier, VT Buffalo Mtn Coop - Hardwick, VT Middlebury Coop -Middlebury, VT
Certified Products
Certified Processed Products
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Non-Certified Products