Tuckaway Farm
Lee, New Hampshire
Two generations at tuckaway farm have farmed organically for over 50 years, growing diversified vegetables, small fruits, hay, blueberries, and grains, along with pastured lamb and eggs. We are founding members of the nh grain collaborative, which aims to revitalize the connections between nh grain growers, millers, bakers, brewers, tortillas makers, eaters and drinkers! we offer a year-round credit system csa, retail farm stand, and partner with area restaurants. Our ongoing mission at tuckaway farm is to support a regenerative energy and food system that builds healthy soil, habitat, and community. On-farm community meeting space is available for mission-related workshops, staff retreats, dinners, and other events.
General Info
Sarah Cox
36 Captain Smith Emerson Road Lee, New Hampshire 03861
Date Modified
November 7, 2024

- Sell Wholesale?
- Sell CSA?
- Sell at Farmers Market?
- On-Farm Store?
Retail Details
Farm Store Details
Open year round, daily 8am-7pm
Farmers Market Details
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Retail/Wholesale Details
Benedikt Dairy, Goffstown NH Brandmoore Farm, Rollinsford NH Brasen Hill Farm, Barrington NH Emery Farm & Cafe, Durham NH Stout Oak Farm, Brentwood NH
Certified Products
Certified Processed Products
Non-Certified Products
Sheep, Poultry for Meat