elmore roots fruit tree, berry plant and natives nursery
elmore, Vermont
Showing how you can successfully grow fruit trees and nut trees and berry plants in northern vermont with the least effort for over forty years . Providing the best plants and trees for our vermont climate while also providing an eden-like habitat for songbirds and wildlife and two- legged visitors
General Info
david fried
759 symonds mill rd elmore, Vermont 05680
802 888 7668
Date Modified
November 7, 2024

- Sell Wholesale?
- Sell CSA?
- Sell at Farmers Market?
- On-Farm Store?
Retail Details
Farm Store Details
open april to november 10-5 tuesday -friday and sundays
Farmers Market Details
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Retail/Wholesale Details
elmore roots 759 symonds mill road wolcott vermont 05680
Certified Products
Certified Processed Products
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Non-Certified Products
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