Haven Hill Farmstead
Wallingford, Vermont
We are a small family farm in vermont with a certified organic market garden operation. Through cultivation of a diverse array of fruits, vegetables, herbs and flowers, and careful use of animals, we are dedicated to slowly transitioning our land from overgrown and filled with invasives to a vibrant ecosystem.
General Info
Mariah Ford
188 Haven Hill Rd Wallingford, Vermont 05773

- Sell Wholesale?
- Sell CSA?
- Sell at Farmers Market?
- On-Farm Store?
Retail Details
Farm Store Details
June-September, saturdays
Farmers Market Details
Ludlow Farmers Market - Sundays memorial day through september 9am-1pm (time not yet approved by board, which we are on)
Retail/Wholesale Details
Wallingford Village Market, Wallingford, VT
Certified Products
Certified Processed Products
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Non-Certified Products
Pigs, Poultry for Eggs, Poultry for Meat, Cut Flowers