Sierra Orchards
Winters, California
Sierra orchards is a second-generation family farm that is regenerative organic certified and located along the putah creek in winters, california. At sierra orchards, we are dedicated to using holistic and regenerative farming practices that preserve natural resources and surrounding ecosystems while creating the highest quality and nutrient-dense foods. Our mission is to increase the biodiversity in both our land and our crops to restore resilience and balance in the ecology of our farm. By focusing on the health and balance of the soil, trees, animals, air, and water, we work hard to ensure that the land can continue to provide for our family, friends, and community for generations to come.
General Info
Emily McNamara
9264 Boyce Rd. Winters, California 95694
Date Modified
November 7, 2024

- Sell Wholesale?
- Sell CSA?
- Sell at Farmers Market?
- On-Farm Store?
Retail Details
Farm Store Details
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Farmers Market Details
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Retail/Wholesale Details
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Certified Products
Certified Processed Products
Shelled Walnuts
Non-Certified Products
Product from transitioning land