Sweet Autumn Farm
Carlisle, Massachusetts
Since its inception in 2010, the farm's goal has been to produce highly-nutritious food by preserving and nurturing the many forms of life within and above the soil. The specific planting and harvesting practices include no-till and permanent raised beds. Soil tests are done yearly to work toward a balance of the macro, micro and trace minerals that the crops need to thrive. Just like in our own bodies, this balance helps to create plants which are vibrant and healthy. The 12 out of 14 acres are left wide to provide food and shelter for insect and bird life. In addition, hedgerows and beetle banks have been incorporated into the cultivated areas to attract and support beneficial pollinators and predators. Sweet autumn farm recognizes all life as an important part of a balanced system. The farm hope that these practices will help the land endure and thrive for many generations to come.
General Info
Katharine Endicott
180 Prospect Street Carlisle, Massachusetts 01741
Date Modified
November 7, 2024

- Sell Wholesale?
- Sell CSA?
- Sell at Farmers Market?
- On-Farm Store?
Retail Details
Farm Store Details
May-beginning of November. Saturdays 11pm-5pm
Farmers Market Details
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Retail/Wholesale Details
Woods Hill Table, Concord,MA 80 Thoreau, Concord,MA Formaggio Kitchen, Cambridge, MA
Certified Products
Certified Processed Products
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Non-Certified Products
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