Aaron Flamini
Sales & Marketing Director – Joint Venture with Naturland
Aaron joined Real Organic Project to lead our joint venture with Naturland, a long-established international association for organic farming based in Germany. Naturland is known globally for their organic integrity and commitment to animal welfare and fairness throughout the supply chain. Like the Real Organic Project, Naturland’s standards require a whole farm conversion to organic practices. Commencing in 2024, the Joint Venture’s goal is to combine Real Organic Project’s high standards for North American farming with Naturland’s equally high international standards to create an add-on label for organic processors. This all-encompassing certification will set a precedent in the United States for greater transparency for both processed products and retailers. Aaron has decades of experience leading new brands to thrive within the specialty food community. Aaron comes to the Real Organic Project after spending the past eight years establishing the American market for Italian naturally-sourced mineral water and direct trade artisan chocolate. He has a passion for the highest quality food, traditional methods of processing and organic agriculture. On weekends, you can find Aaron at home with his family in New Jersey.