Chanowk Yisrael
Chanowk Yisrael, is an urban farmer. Yisrael has traveled across the country on the dime of corporate America before trading in his frequent flyer miles for seeds and soil. Yisrael terms himself as “urban homesteading,” a lifestyle that sustains his family and aids his community of South Oak Park (a food dessert according to the USDA). Chanowk is Director of Urban Organic Sustainability for Hip Hop is Green, a plant-based hip hop multimedia organization. He also serves as board member for South Oak Park Community Association and Slow Food Sacramento. Chanowk was named Farm Advocate of the Year by the Farmer's Guild & CAFF for his work in raising about sustainable agriculture and building food systems with equity and access. His favorite vegetable to grow is okra. In his spare time, Chanowk plays the djembe and enjoys a good game of tennis.