David Zuckerman
Lieutenant Governor of Vermont
David Zuckerman is the co-founder of Full Moon Farm, an ROP and NOFA-certified organic farm in Hinesburg, Vermont. Full Moon Farm produces 20 acres of organic vegetables, pork, chicken, and hemp (salve, tincture and flower). Inspired by then Congressman Sanders, David first ran for the Vermont House in 1994 while enrolled at the University of Vermont. He lost by 59 votes, but came back two years later to become the fourth Progressive Party member ever to serve in Montpelier. In 2016, David was elected as the 80th Lt. Governor of Vermont. David is a UVM graduate (Class of 1995), with a degree in Environmental Studies. He was awarded the Keith Miser Award at graduation for contributions to campus leadership. He lives with his wife Rachel and daughter in Hinesburg, Vermont.