Eric Sideman
Eric was born in New York City in a hospital on the East River. When he was eight his family moved to the suburbs and that was the start. Once there was soil available, there was a garden. Many years later he dropped out of college to work on a farm, and that was another start. The path from then was achieving an undergraduate degree from Cornell University in agriculture, an MS from Northeastern, and a PhD from the University of New Hampshire in Botany. After a short stint teaching at Bates College, Eric went on to his dream job; he became the first organic crop advisor for a major organic farming organization, the Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association. He spent more than 30 years there being the staff scientist working to help farmers and gardeners grow organic vegetables and take care of their land. Along the way he served a term on the NOSB, and 2 terms on the OMRI Board. Now Eric lives in New Hampshire where he and his wife farm and live the good life.