Jennifer Taylor
Jennifer Taylor, an associate professor in the Florida A&M University (FAMU) College of Agriculture and Food Sciences (CAFS), has been appointed to serve on the National Organic Standards Board (NOSB) by the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture, the Honorable Tom Vilsack. Taylor serves as the coordinator of the FAMU Statewide Small Farm Program. Her role on the NOSB includes serving as a member of the NOSB Policy Development Committee, and she has been assigned to chair the Materials Committee. The mission of the NOSB is to advise the Secretary of Agriculture on issues related to the National Organic Program and the consensus of the organic community. Through her responsibilities in the FAMU Cooperative Extension Program, Taylor has made a major impact on the organic farming community in North Florida through growing initiatives such as the various growers’ markets in the Tallahassee community, bio-fuels awareness and development, and many sustainable agriculture initiatives to support limited-resource farmers and their families.