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    Churchtown 8.5 X 11 Poster

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    I’m very much looking forward to going to the Real Organic Project conference at Abby Rockefeller’s Churchtown Dairy outside Hudson, NY on Sept 28th 9-5pm. I’m hoping you can join me for this important day.

    The conference entitled Real Organic: A World Movement will be a series of TED style talks covering a range of topics from the battle with Mexico on importing GMO grain from the US to the Green Revolution in Africa (with Tim Wise author of Eating Tomorrow) to the Real Organic partnership with the German based certifier Naturland (with Nora Taleb) to workshops with Paul Holmbeck (the former director of Organic Denmark and current IFOAM World board) and Bob Quinn (author of Grain by Grain).

    We will also hear talks from Real Organic farmers Paul Muller (CA veggie farmer), Eliot Coleman (Four Season Farm in ME), Linley Dixon (CO veggie farmer), Hugh Kent (FL blueberry grower), Jesse Buie (Mississippi farmer and former NOSB member), Anna Jones Crabtree (Montana grain farmer), Bob Quinn (MT grain farmer and former NOSB member), Liz Graznak (Missouri vegetable farmer and former NOSB member), Dave Chapman (VT tomato farmer), and Francis Thicke (Iowa dairy farmer and former NOSB member). All are highly skilled organic farmers certified by the Real Organic Project as well as activist farmers that have spent their lives defending and protecting organic farming against chemical and Big Ag interests.

    There will also be 12 “breakout sessions” to choose from covering Small Farm Viability, Organic Policy, Grazing in the West, PFAS contamination, Eating Tomorrow, Growing Fertility, Organic Dairy, Synthetic Food, Regenerative and Organic in the marketplace, and a Churchtown Dairy walk. Lunch is included with your ticket.

  • Event Calendar Submission Copy

    Please join us for a day of TED-style talks at the Real Organic: A World Movement on Saturday Sept 28th from 9am to 5pm at Abby Rockefeller’s Churchtown Dairy outside Hudson, NY.

    Talks and speakers will cover a range of topics from the battle with Mexico on importing GMO grain from the US to the Green Revolution in Africa (with Tim Wise author of Eating Tomorrow) to the Real Organic partnership with the German based certifier Naturland (with Nora Taleb) to workshops with Paul Holmbeck (the former director of Organic Denmark and current IFOAM World board member) and Bob Quinn (author of Grain by Grain).

    We will also hear from Real Organic farmers Paul Muller (CA veggie farmer), Eliot Coleman (Four Season Farm in ME), Linley Dixon (CO veggie farmer), Hugh Kent (FL blueberry grower), Jesse Buie (Mississippi farmer and former NOSB member), Anna Jones-Crabtree (Montana grain farmer), Bob Quinn (MT grain farmer and former NOSB member), Liz Graznak (Missouri vegetable farmer and former NOSB member), Dave Chapman (VT tomato farmer), and Francis Thicke (Iowa dairy farmer and former NOSB member). All are highly skilled organic farmers certified by the Real Organic Project as well as activist farmers that have spent their lives defending and protecting organic farming against chemical and Big Ag interests.

    There will also be 12 “breakout sessions” to choose from covering Small Farm Viability, Organic Policy, Grazing in the West, PFAS contamination, Eating Tomorrow, Growing Fertility, Organic Dairy, Synthetic Food, Regenerative and Organic in the marketplace, and a Churchtown Dairy walk. Lunch is included with your ticket.

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  • 08/04 Newsletter Announcing Churchtown

    Sharing our 08/04 newsletter is a great way to give others info about our event with meaningful context:

    Sept 28th: Join us at Churchtown Dairy for our Fall Conference

  • Tickets on Eventbrite