
SESSION #1: Milk & Money

Our first Sunday explores the impact of the massive influx of industrial-scale dairy into the organic sector. What happens when a few “organic” dairies in the arid West outproduce the thousands of family-scale dairies across the country? What are the differences in production practices? How can the farmer affect the quality of the milk you drink? This 2 hour session unpacks the recent Horizon Organic contract cancellations with 89 family farmers in the Northeast.

SESSION #2: Protecting Organic

Week two brings together the farmers and eaters who are building a saner agriculture for a better future. What successful models have brought about real change? How can we multiply their impact? How do we protect what we have worked so hard to build over the last century? What is the impact of personal choices compared to political change to move beyond the fringe into mainstream markets and what will protect us from corporate greenwashing, money, and power?

Our Speakers

Eliot Coleman

Author & Farmer Learn More ➔

Amanda Starbuck

Food and Water Watch Learn More ➔

Mark MacAfee

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Mark Kastel

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Juliette LeRoux

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Amy Klippenstein

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Ed Maltby

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Paul Lacinski

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Bernward Geier

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Melinda Hemmelgarn

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Scott Park

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Kevin Englebert

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Helen Kees

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Dru Rivers

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Gary Hirshberg

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Severine Von Tscharner Fleming

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Earl Ransoom

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Jon Tester

Senator Learn More ➔

Lindsey Lusher-Schute

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Michael Pollan

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Rosie Burroughs

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John Ikerd

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Jennifer Taylor

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Francis Thicke in front of a lush green field wearing a t shirt with apples

Francis Thicke

Radiance Dairy Learn More ➔

Paul Muller

Full Belly Farm Learn More ➔

David Bronner

Cosmic Engagement Officer (CEO) of Dr. Bronner’s Learn More ➔

Bob Quinn

Author & Farmer Learn More ➔

Dave Chapman

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Chellie Pingree

United States Representative Learn More ➔

Alan Lewis

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Paul Hawken

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Joan Dye Gussow

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Dan Barber

Advisory Board Member Learn More ➔

Doug Crabtree

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Jim Durst

Durst Organic Growers Learn More ➔
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