Home / Farms

Blackbird Organics

Plainfield, Vermont

Blackbird organics is a diversified vegetable and fruit farm owned and operated by first generation farmers kagen dewey and elise magnant. Our hillside farm has recently been conserved with the vermont land trust, ensuring it will remain in agriculture in perpetuity. We seek to operate a farm that provides as much organic produce to the local community as the farm sustainably can. Sustainability at blackbird is defined in terms of soil/ecological health, climate resiliency, business viability, and quality of life for everyone involved.

General Info


Kagen Dewey


989 Maple Hill Road Plainfield, Vermont 05667





Date Modified

September 30, 2023

  • Sell Wholesale?
  • Sell CSA?
  • Sell at Farmers Market?
  • On-Farm Store?

Retail Details

Farm Store Details

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Farmers Market Details

Capitol City Farmers Market (Montpelier, VT) - Saturdays May-October, 9am - 2pm

Retail/Wholesale Details

Hunger Mountain Coop (Montpelier, VT) Fox Market and Foxy's (East Montpelier and Barre, VT) Plainfield Coop (Plainfield, VT) Farmers to You

Certified Products

  • Mixed Vegetables
  • Greenhouse Crops
  • Berries
  • Culinary Herbs

Certified Processed Products

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Non-Certified Products

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