Eliot Coleman: A Conversation
Eliot Coleman, a pioneer of organic farming in America. Eliot is a visionary who has inspired thousands to become farmers. His pioneering work in organic agriculture blazed a trail that has become a trailhead for many others. At 83, he continues to challenge himself and us to do better, to think more deeply, to farm with nature, to build systems that are self-supporting. Eliot has always been deeply curious about the connections between the soil and our health. For many years, he has divided his attention between working in the soil and searching the writings of others for the best farming possible. And he has always taken a deep dive into the nutrition of good food. On March 31, Eliot will selected a few short passages from his favorite books to share with us. We will then have the opportunity ask him questions about these readings, how to farm, the history of organic, or even what it was like to share beers with Lady Eve Balfour!