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Paul Holmbeck

Paul Holmbeck stepped down this year after 25 years as Political Director and CEO in Organic Denmark, which represents organic farmers, consumers, food professionals and the companies behind 90% of organic sales. Since 1995, Paul has played a leading role in developing Denmark's ambitious organic goals and policies, and in unifying the organic movement in Denmark, creating Organic Denmark in 2002 as a driving force for strong organic politics and market development. Denmark has now the highest organic sales in the world. In the European Union, Paul lead efforts for the first EU Organic Action Plan and the successful EU-wide campaign for a total ban on GMOs in organic food and farming, and recently played a key role in the C40 climate summit declaration calling for organic, climate friendly food. Paul consults with governments, NGOs and retail leaders around the world on organic market- and policy development. He is also a candidate for the IFOAM World Board. See more on Linked-in.