CCOF Annual Meeting and Advocacy Day, February 18th, 2020
Sacramento, California
Join Dru Rivers and many other farmers at this year’s CCOF Annual Meeting and Advocacy Day in Sacramento to speak up about keeping soil-based farming at the heart of organic!
Dru Rivers: I’m with Full Belly Farm, and we’ve been certified organic for 35 years. We’re also now really proud to be part of the Real Organic Project.
I feel like I really want to get involved with this issue of hydroponics and livestock pasture rule. And I want to do that in a way that works for me – I want to have a voice. I’m really feeling like one of the ways that I can do that is to go to our certifier. We’ve been a part of the California Certified Organic Farmers (CCOF) certification program for over 30 years. I want to be able to help move that conversation with CCOF.
I’m encouraging everyone to come to Sacramento to their annual board meeting on February 18th and have a voice – whether that is through carrying signs or having a table to really encourage them to open up the dialogue again and get focused that we do not want to have certified organic hydroponics in our certification group and nationally. So please come and help with that voice. It’s the way we’re going to make it all change.

Image Courtesy of Full Belly Farm