Watch Mike Brownback of Spiral Path Farm testify passionately to the National Organic Standards Board (NOSB) that organic farming is, and always will be, farming in healthy soils, no matter what the USDA decides!
At that fateful NOSB meeting, however, the board voted against the demands from over 40 farmers to keep organic farming rooted in soil. The disappointing outcome of that vote initiated the formation of the Real Organic Project.
Since then we’ve visited over 60 organic farms from around the country. Organic farmers that foster soil fertility can begin to differentiate their products in the marketplace.
Mike and Terra Brownback have been farming with their family for over 40 years on 300 rolling Pensylvania acres. Hear Mike tell the story of how he transitioned to organic and why organic integrity is deeply rooted in his family.
Mike’s advice to young growers is to put resources into building healthy soils, which will not only create tasty, nutritious crops, but will sequester carbon into the future.
Yours in the dirt,