What Your Food Ate
Our June book club has two sessions focused on “how to heal our land and reclaim our health with Anne Bikle and David Montgomery”
“Their books are packed with data, interwoven with interesting stories, all of which result in a full understanding of why we need to transform the food system into one centered around soil health.” Read Linley’s letter about their fourth book, What Your Food Ate, in this week’s letter:
Dear Friend,
At the Real Organic Project, we have a saying: “a carrot’s not a carrot.” Sometimes it’s: “an egg isn’t an egg.” And so on…
What we really mean is…
How food is produced, changes nutrition, communities, the planet and, well… everything!
Authors David Montgomery and Anne Bikle are experts at taking this founding organic principle and connecting it to the latest scientific research.
If you haven’t read their “Dirt Trilogy”: Growing a Revolution, Dirt: the Erosion of Civilizations, and The Hidden Half of Nature, time to get reading before their next book is released this June: What Your Food Ate.
Their books are packed with data, interwoven with interesting stories, all of which result in a full understanding of why we need to transform the food system into one centered around soil health.
Did you know the rhizosphere is very much like your gut?
Or, how fiber in your colon acts like mulch in the garden?
Or, why you should think about the food that you eat in the same way that a farmer thinks about sowing a diverse cover crop?
Or how the structure of a seed is related to our modern diabetes epidemic?
All of these questions and SO SO much more are answered in their books that are based on the latest published science.
If you’ve ever said, “You are what you eat,” you might want to start saying, “You are what your food eats.”
Whether it’s a carrot, a glass of milk, a steak, or an egg, come learn from the best why nutrition changes depending on how your food was raised.
We are pleased to announce Anne Bikle as our third Real Organic Book Club speaker.
She will be discussing What Your Food Ate, at 6 pm EDT on Thursday, June 2.
The session is open to all members of the Real Friends. If you would like to join this engaging community of eaters and activists, farmers and authors, chefs and students, scientists and adventurers, please click here or the image below.