Jenny Prince

Judith Redmond: Becoming An Activist Farmer

John Ikerd: Why Animal Confinement Is The Norm

John Ikerd smiling in an orange chair in a blue shirt at the Marbleseed Conference

Mark Schatzker: Blocked Cravings + The Failures Of Food Enrichment

Mark Schatzker sits in Dave Chapman's living room in a light blue hooded pullover.

Jesse Cool: Inspiring The Next Generation Of Ingredient-Driven Food

Chef Jesse Cool smiles in her California living room

Vincent Stanley: Making A Living During The Anthropocene

Vincent Stanley smiles in a blue patagonia pullover

David Bronner: Origins of Regenerative Organic Certification

Lisa Held: Walmart, Walanthropy, And The Food System

JM Fortier Interviews Dave Chapman

Black and white photo of Dave Chapman smiling

Glenn Elzinga Pt 2: Raising Better, More Nutritious Beef

Glenn Elzinga sits in Dave Chapman's living room wearing a checkered shirt and wool vest

Mwatima Juma: Chemical Companies Pressuring Farmers In Africa

Dr Mwatima Juma sits at her desk in a red shirt with white stripes

Arnie and Ron Koss: Changing Organic From The Inside Out

Twin brothers Arnie and Ron Koss seated in a forest wearing baseball caps.

Nora Taleb: Global Players Rule Our Food System

Nora Taleb sits in the field at Linley Dixon's Adobe House Farm in Durango, CO in front of colorful trees and puffy clouds.

Tim Wise: Today’s Green Revolution In Africa and Iowa

Tim Wise speaking to a group in front of his laptop

Will Rosenzweig: Crafting A Positive Impact Food System

Will Rosenzweig smiles, seated in an outdoor garden in California with a carrot pin on his lapel.

Glenn Elzinga Pt 1: Good Grazing On Public Lands

Glenn Elzinga in Dave Chapman's living room wearing a long sleeve checkered shirt and wool vest

Kat Taylor: Funding The World We Want

Kat Taylor smiles in a yellow tank top from her home in California.

Hans Herren: Controlling Pests With Biology

Hans Herren smiling in a blue chambray shirt from the living room at Full Belly Farm in California

Alice Waters: Organic Food In Our Schools Now

Alice Waters smiles in her California kitchen in front of a colorful bowl of fruit

Barbara Gemmill-Herren: Big Chem’s Eyes Are On Africa

Barbara Gemmill-Herren smiles from inside Paul Muller and Dru Rivers' home at Full Belly Farm in California, in a navy blue dress with white flowers.

Zephyr Teachout: Today’s Antimonopoly Movement Has Legs

Zephy Teachout smiles from her desk as she's interviewed by Dave Chapman.

Hugh Kent: How The USDA Supports Bad Agriculture

Hugh Kent seated and smiling in front of a houseplant in his sunny Florida home

Seth Godin: No Society Thrives With Monopolies

Seth Godin smiling at his desk, in front of a colorful bookshelf, wearing purple glasses and black earbuds.

Allan Savory: Desertification’s Causes, Problems + Solutions

Allan Savory smiles from his desk in Kenya, wearing headphones.

Austin Frerick: Modern Day Robber Barons Rule Our Food

JM Fortier: Envisioning A Hyper Local Small Farm Revolution

JM fortier on his farm in Quebec being interviewed for the Real Organic Podcast

Zephyr Teachout + Dave Chapman: Live Panel w/ Matt Sheffer At Churchtown Dairy

Episode 162 Real Organic Podcast thumbnail with side by side headshots of Zephyr Teachout, Matt Sheffer, and Dave Chapman

Dave Chapman + Anna Jones-Crabtree: Notes For The Climate Underground

Anna Jones-Crabtree, Dave Chapman and Al Gore all smile from their desks as they join each other remotely for an interview at the 2023 Climate Underground

Eliot Coleman: Denying Our Understanding Of Real Organic Practices Robs The World

Eliot Coleman in his library in the fall 2023, in a checkered shirt and reading glasses, being interviewed for the Real Organic Podcast.

Errol Schweizer: Consolidation, Greenwashing, And The Growing Myth Of Local Food

Errol Schweizer at his desk, being interviewed for the Real Organic Podcast Episode 159

Break ‘Em Up: Announcing Our 2024 Virtual Symposium

Real Organic Project Virtual Symposium Session 1 "The Chickenization of Organic" featuring blue chicken with word cloud

Soul of the Soil “The magic of soil” and the “soul of organic“ “The title of this film, Soul of the Soil, combines these two phrases. They are not bits of marketing fluff. They are the lived truth of the Lazors and Butterworks Farm.” Read on below for Dave’s take on the documentary streaming now on

Vandana Shiva: False Claims Of The Green Revolution Now and Then

Vandana Shiva Real Organic Podcast Episode 158 Thumbnail

Tim Bowles Part 2: Climate Smart Agriculture Includes Tillage

Tim Bowles Real Organic Podcast Episode 157 Thumbnail

Tim Bowles Part 1: Digging Into The Rhizosphere

Tim Bowles Real Organic Podcast Episode 156 Thumbnail

Reginaldo Haslett-Marroquin: The Need For A Real Regenerative Movement

Reginaldo Haslett Marroquin Real Organic Podcast Episode 155 Thumbnail

Patrick Holden: Organic Needs Top Down, Bottom Up, And In-The-Middle Action

Patrick Holden Real Organic Podcast Episode 154 Thumbnail

Francis Thicke: A Journey To Real Organic

Francis Thicke Real Organic Podcast Episode 153 Thumbnail

Alan Lewis: Food System Betrayal

Alan Lewis Real Organic Podcast Episode 152 Thumbnail

Ben Dobson: The Politics Of Farming For Climate

Ben Dobson Real Organic Podcast Episode 151 Thumbnail

Dave Chapman and Eliot Coleman: We Did It Before, We Can Do It Again

Dave Chapman Eliot Coleman Real Organic Podcast Ep 150 Thumbnail

Karl Hammer: Imagining A Photosynthetic Food System

Karl Hammer Real Organic Podcast Episode 149 Thumbnail

Zephyr Teachout at Churchtown: Break’em Up

Zephyr Teachout Real Organic Podcast Ep 148 Thumbnail

Kristin Kimball: The Small Farm Revolution Needs Activist Eaters

Kristin Kimball Real Organic Podcast Ep 147 Thumbnail

Linley Dixon: Saving Organic: The First Five Years of The Farmer-Led Real Organic Project

Linley Dixon Real Organic Podcast Ep 146 Thumbnail

Iriel Edwards: USDA Discrimination, Land Access, And Collective Liberation

Iriel Edwards Real Organic Podcast Episode 145 Thumbnail

Dan Barber: The Power Of Deliciousness

Dan Barber Real Organic Podcast Episode 142 Thumbnail

Hugh Kent: Hydroponics And The Farce Of USDA Organic integrity

Hugh Kent Real Organic Podcast Episode 144

Joan Gussow: Last 50 Years Brought More Foods And Less Choice

Joan Gussow Real Organic Podcast Ep 141 Thumbnail

Glenn Elzinga: Why Cattle Are Ruining Our Public Lands In Spite Of A Better Way

Glenn Elzinga Real Organic Podcast Episode 143 Thumbnail

Tom Willey Part 2: Working Towards A Permanent Agriculture

Tom Willey Real Organic Podcast Ep 140 Thumbnail

Tom Willey Part 1: Merging Chemical-Regenerative With Organic

Tom Willey Real Organic Podcast Ep 139 Thumbnail

Dennesse Willey: When Organic Was Easy To Sell

Dennesse Willey Real Organic Podcast Ep138 Thumbnail

Bryan O’Hara: Organic No-Till Vegetable Farming

Bryan O'Hara Real Organic Podcast Ep 137 Thumbnail

Jeff Moyer: Organic Is, Was, And Should Be The Foundation of Regenerative

Jeff Moyer Real Organic Podcast Ep 136

Steve Ela: Diversifying Crops, Sales Channels, And Research Dollars

Steve Ela Real Organic Podcast Ep 135 Thumbnail

Hannah Smith-Brubaker: Growing On-Farm Organic Research

Hannah Smith-Brubaker Real Organic Podcast Ep 134

Jim Riddle: Lobbyists Not Farmers Have Access To USDA

Jim Riddle Real Organic Podcast Ep 133 Thumbnail

Dru Rivers: An Organic Activist’s Manifesto

Dru Rivers Real Organic Podcast Ep 132

Mark and Kristin Kimball: Holistic Farming Goes Beyond Food Production

Mark Kristin Kimball Real Organic Podcast Ep 131

Peter Donovan: RedirectingThe Carbon Conversation Towards The Water Cycle

Peter Donovan Real Organic Podcast Ep 130

Zach Cannady: Farming To Strengthen Your Local Food Shed

Zach Cannady Real Organic Podcast Ep 129 Thumbnail

Dave Mortensen Part 2: Big Ag’s False Claims Of Environmental Consciousness

Dave Mortensen Real Organic Podcast Ep 128

Dave Mortensen Part 1: Today’s Drastic Rise Of Biocides

Dave Mortensen Real Organic Podcast Ep 127

Dick Schwartz: Internal Family Systems + Social Activism

Dick Schwartz Real Organic Podcast Ep 126